Are you looking for a Hunter Education class near you?
Below is a list of upcoming classes available around the state. Simply visit: to sign up.
Upcoming Classes:4/4 6pm, Farmland Conservation Club, Farmland
4/4 6pm 5pm, Angola Fire Dept, Angola
4/5 6pm, The Blue Heron Inn, LaPorte
4/8 4pm, Cornerstone Comm. Church, Kouts
4/8 5pm, Fountain County 4-H, Veedersburg
4/8 5pm, Forest Volunteer Fire Dept, Forest
4/8 6pm, Rochester Fire Department, Rochester
4/8 6pm, Pine Knob County Park, Howe
4/8 6pm, Goetz Irrigation, Valparaiso
4/8 6pm, White River Bowhunters Club, Mitchell
4/9 8am, Crawford County Comm. Park, Marengo
4/9 8am, Oldenburg Conservation Club, Oldenberg
4/9 8am, Floyd County Conservation Club, Georgetown
4/9 8am, Sportsman's Cove, Grabill
4/9 8am, Red Bridge Park Community Building, Cicero
4/9 8am, Linton Chapter of the FOP, Linton
4/9 8am, Sandcreek Conservation Club, Elizabethtown
4/9 9am, Victory Range and Armory, New Castle
4/9 9am, Elkins' Taxidermy, New Carlisle
4/9 9am, Izaak Walton League of America, Logansport
4/9 10am, West Side Sportsman Club, Evansville
4/12 6pm, Adams Co. Library-Geneva Branch, Geneva
4/15 6pm, Hammond Cabela’s, Hammond
4/15 6pm, Amo Conservation Bird Dog Club, Coatesville
4/15 6pm, Jeff County Conservation Club (bingo hall), Madison
4/16 8am, Wabash Izaak Walton League, Somerset
4/16 8am, Carr Township Conservation Club, Medora
4/16 8am, Twin Lakes Fish & Game, Monticello
4/30 9am, Diana Chapter Izaak Walton League, Shelby
5/7 8am, Atterbury FWA, Edinburgh
5/21 10am, Sechler Residance, New Haven