Post by trad2927 on Jun 14, 2007 14:43:33 GMT -5
Hello, I am a new member to this site and I also make Turkey calls. I am looking forward to sharing and gaining insight to this craft with you all.
I have been crafting calls for about 3 years and I mainly make box calls but also tinker with friction calls as well.
I would like to post some pics of recent calls but can't seem to figure it out. Can someone help?
Post by hornharvester on Jun 14, 2007 14:50:44 GMT -5
Post by trad2927 on Jun 14, 2007 15:14:46 GMT -5
Thanks for the info. Here goes nothing. 1st call: Zebrawood & Butternut 2nd call: Walnut & Poplar 3rd call: Snakewood & Osage    
Post by Woody Williams on Jun 14, 2007 15:30:33 GMT -5
Very, very nice.
What kind of prices are we talking about?
Post by trad2927 on Jun 14, 2007 16:14:58 GMT -5
Thanks Woody for the compliment. Any and all feedback is welcomed as that is how we all grow in our crafts. I started out giving a lot of calls away to friends, family and a few hunting buddies (I say a few as I did not want them to have one up on me come spring). After getting positive feed back and working many a Turkey into a frantic gobbling orgy I felt like I had a quality call that was worthy of passing along. So I dabbled in E-bay and soon discoved the low selling prices did not cover the time and craftmanship put into the calls. At that point I developed a Web Site of my own and have since let nature take its coarse. WWW.lawsoncalls.comThe site has pricing and many other pictures list on it. Please feel free to vist and let me know what you think.
Post by hornharvester on Jun 14, 2007 17:43:19 GMT -5
Good looking calls indeed! h.h.
Post by Poor Valley on Jun 17, 2007 22:02:45 GMT -5
Some fine look'in box calls there Trad. Wish I was smart enough to make 'em like that.
Post by LawrenceCoBowhunter on Jun 18, 2007 8:09:31 GMT -5
Those look great!
Post by hoosiertaxidermist on Jun 18, 2007 12:10:40 GMT -5
Beautiful work. Nce looking site also.
Post by trad2927 on Jun 18, 2007 14:22:06 GMT -5
Thanks guys, I do appreciated the feed back.
It's had to find guys willing to share tips and techniques in the turkey call world. In fact I have spoken to some down right rude call makers. I hope to develop good relationships through this forum.
When I get a chance I'll post some more pics of new call being made this year.
LawrenceCoBowhunter; I would like to talk sometime as I find my pots to be crude compared to yours. I have been working on making double sided pots (crystal on one side and slate on the other) and want to be able to router a nice shape to the outside. Maybe you can give me some pointers when you get time.
Post by Poor Valley on Jun 18, 2007 14:38:29 GMT -5
The double sided call is certainly a challange. Been making em for about 3 years and still looking to improve my own methods.
Post by LawrenceCoBowhunter on Jun 18, 2007 14:49:33 GMT -5
Thanks guys, I do appreciated the feed back. It's had to find guys willing to share tips and techniques in the turkey call world. In fact I have spoken to some down right rude call makers. I hope to develop good relationships through this forum. When I get a chance I'll post some more pics of new call being made this year. LawrenceCoBowhunter; I would like to talk sometime as I find my pots to be crude compared to yours. I have been working on making double sided pots (crystal on one side and slate on the other) and want to be able to router a nice shape to the outside. Maybe you can give me some pointers when you get time. I would be more than happy to help in any way that I can.I don't think I will be much good at giving info on using routers since I turn mine on a lathe( I think using a lathe is better,you will be able to make designs a router won't come close to).I do have a video by Russel Lynch that has lots of good info on using routers. I probably spend more time on the finishing stage than I do turning the pot itself.I have a 3 stage process I use on my pots.Shoot me a PM and I will try to help with any questions you may have.
Full Member
Posts: 70
Post by rdj on Jun 23, 2007 14:44:45 GMT -5
Hey Doug, I'm glad you joined this site. Is that my call at the bottom of your photo? At the risk of sounding alittle forward, Guy's if your looking for a new box call you should take a look at Doug's calls You will not find a better made custom or mass produced call out there. Not to mention the turkeys like them too. At least I've got 3 in the freezer from this spring that did.
By the way Doug how come all of your post are when you should be working?? LOL, at least I know I can get online at work now.
Post by racktracker on Jun 28, 2007 8:22:01 GMT -5
Welcome and very nice calls that you have made.