Post by Woody Williams on Nov 27, 2005 8:12:47 GMT -5
Text for the Day -- Mark 13:24-27 ---------- But in those days, after that suffering, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will be falling from heaven, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken. Then they will see "the Son of Man coming in clouds" with great power and glory. Then he will send out the angels, and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of heaven.
Devotional ---------- Advent! The word should be spoken in the way that you say, watch out or duck. Something final and incredible will happen some day. Christians of every generation have been aware of Jesus' message about the "End." The warning is always couched in two specific warnings, "no one knows when it will happen," and "be ready" even if you don't know when it will happen. Advent calls us to live alertly, expectantly on our toes in anticipation of God's final act of the Divine Drama.
Prayer ----------------- May I always be attentive to your working in our world, Lord. Amen